Friday, 18 February 2011

Wreck this journal (very picture heavy)


Long time no post, so time for a new background and new thing to write about.  I recently bought a book called ‘wreck this journal’ where in case you hadn’t guessed, the aim is to wreck the journal.  My camera died before i had chance to take a photo of the front of the book (and the attachments) but i’ll update you on them :)

It’s really fun to do, and has given me something to do during my sleepless nights which are way too frequent at the moment.


DSCN3328My fingers are covering my address ;P Also on this page it says ‘if found, open to a random page, follow instruction then return’ DSCN3329 DSCN3330 Fun page to do :) DSCN3332 DSCN3334 I didn’t enjoy this, was too wrecky for me!DSCN3335 Fun funDSCN3336 Yay for circlesDSCN3337 Baha, this is disgusting, but also fun ;) DSCN3338 DSCN3339 (dropped off my gramps’ roof!)DSCN3340 DSCN3341 I officially have no craft stuff left.. it didn’t turn out as nicely as i wanted it to (or at all for that matter)DSCN3342 Collecting stamps has never been so fun ;)DSCN3344 My oh so exciting bagDSCN3347They took the idea of wrecking it rather literally ;)  DSCN3348Some of the stuff i stuck on fell off, but i’m going to re-glue soon :) DSCN3349 LushhhhhhhDSCN3350 DSCN3351 DSCN3352 DSCN3353DSCN3354DSCN3355

This is one of my favourite pagesss :)

Thanks for reading! :) x


  1. Same here! That's very awesome <3 Liking the new backgroundy
